Only adult classes continue during the Summer.
Youth begins in September.

Bible studies/classes begin at 9:45 AM

Jesus said "Let the little children come to me."
Matthew 19:14

Anna Street has Bible studies on Sunday mornings at 9:45.  We'd love to have your children join us!

Little Lights is for children ages 2 - 4.  They enjoy singing, playing, and learning Bible stories in an age appropriate setting, learning how to keep their lights shining as they grow!

Kids Connect involves children ages 5 - 12.  Students will learn how the stories they read in the Bible are intertwined to tell one big story - the story of Jesus and how He is connected to their own stories.  

Teen Focus is targeted at teens ages 13 - 18.  Through a more in depth study of the Word, students learn the Old and New Testaments while focusing on the big  picture  of Jesus and His gospel.  They also focus on how their lives are a reflection of Jesus living in them.  

Adult Bible Studies

All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for instruction
2 Timothy 3: 16

Anna Street's adult Bible class is open to all ages.  These studies are an  extensive study on the Old and New Testaments.  Join us and share in this opportunity to grow in your knowledge and understanding of God's Word!